Jeka Mphamvu Solar – 75MW
Project description: The Jeka Mphamvu Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The project is situated on a portion of the Farm Klip Gat in the Emthanjeni Municipality, Division of Hanover, Province of the Northern Cape.
The size of the land is 860Ha
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Jeka Nishati Solar – 75MW
Project description: The Jeka Nishati Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The project is situated on R.E of farm Naauw Poort, in the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality, Division of Middleburg, Eastern Cape Province.
The size of the land is 2029Ha
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

City of Polokwane Solar – 90MW
Project description: The City of Polokwane Solar Energy project is located in Limpopo Province of South Africa in Polokwane
Land description: The project is situated on a farm in the City of Polokwane Municipality, Limpopo Province.
The size of the land is 380Ha
Status: Awarded through an open tender. EIA completed, EA Issued.
Technology: Solar Poly PV

City of Ekurhuleni Solar – 10MW
Project description: The City of Ekurhuleni Solar Energy project is located in the Gauteng province of South Africa east of Johannesburg
Land description: Still to be allocated by the Municipality
Status: Awarded through a tender, PPA to be signed
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Vurhonga Jeka – 11MW
Project description: The Vurhonga Jeka Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The project is situated on Portion 3 of the Farm Rietfontein Nr 140, in the Umsobomvu Municipality, Division of Colesburg, Northern Cape Province.
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Mbambangoma Jeka – 19MW
Project description: The Mbambangoma Jeka Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The project is situated on Portion of the Farm Damfontein, in the Pixley Ka Seme Municipality, Division Hanover, Northern Cape Province
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Voningela Jeka Solar – 20MW
Project description: The Voningela Jeka Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: Remaining extent of the Farm Rietfontein, in the Umsobomvu Municipality, Division of Colesburg, Northern Cape Province
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Jeka Simba Solar – 20MW
Project description: The Jeka Simba Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The project is situated on Farm Damfontein, in the Pixley Ka Seme Municipality, Division Hanover, Northern Cape Province,The portion of land is 1410,6980Ha
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Jeka Makamashi Solar – 20MW
Project description: The Jeka Makamashi Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: The Tollie Solar project will be built on the Naauw Poort farm near the town of Noupoort in the Northern Cape.
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV

Jeka Amandla – 14MW
Project description: The Jeka Amandla Solar Energy project is located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa north of Noupoort.
Land description: Remainder of Erf in Noupoort, in the Umsobomvu Municipality, Division of Colesburg, Northern Cape Province, The portion of land is 287,6748Ha
Status: EIA completed. EA expired, resubmission in progress
Technology: Solar Poly PV